Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu recently emphasized the necessity of expanding Kangra airport. Responding to a Calling Attention motion from BJP’s Pawan Kajal, CM Sukhu highlighted Kangra’s status as the state’s tourism capital and emphasized the critical need for strengthening tourism infrastructure.
Kangra Airport Expansion: Two-phase expansion project to boost local economy
The proposed expansion of Kangra Airport will be executed in two phases, involving the acquisition of 147 hectares. CM Sukhu anticipates a significant positive impact on the economies of Kangra, Una, Hamirpur, and Bilaspur districts, particularly in the realms of tourism and Information Technology.
Relocation Plans and Adequate Compensation
Addressing concerns about families affected by land acquisition, the Chief Minister assured that families facing relocation due to the airport‘s expansion would receive proper compensation. The land identified for acquisition, with available water resources, would result in higher compensation, although the exact amount is yet to be determined.
(With PTI Inputs)