Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) on Friday announced that it has received orders worth Rs 2,673 crore from Goa Shipyard Limited (Value: Rs 1701 crore) and Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers (Value: Rs 972 crore) for supply of 14 types of sensors for use on Next Generation Offshore Patrol Vessels (NGOPV).
This, the company said, will have participation of electronics and associated industries including MSME, which are sub vendors of BEL. The equipments manufactured by BEL are a part of ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ program.
With the above, BEL has bagged cumulative orders worth Rs 25,935.15 crore till now in the current financial year.
Earlier in October, BEL had reported net profit at Rs Rs 812.3 crore in the second quarter of the current fiscal, which was 33 per cent more than last year’s Rs 611 crore. BEL reported a 1.2 per cent increase in its revenue in Q2 FY24 from last year at Rs 3,993.3 crore. In the first six months of this fiscal, the company’s total income stood at Rs 7,816.33 crore, which is 7.17 per cent higher against its total income of Rs 7,293.36 crore in H-1FY23.