Poco has launched the M6 5G smartphone in India. Spec-by-spec, it’s the same phone as the Redmi 13C 5G. But being an online-exclusive, it costs less money. The Poco M6 5G price in India starts at Rs 10,499 for 4GB/128GB, which is Rs 500 less than a comparable Redmi 13C 5G. The Redmi 13C 5G starts at Rs 10,999.
Poco M6 5G price, availability, offers
The Poco M6 5G comes in a choice of 4GB/128GB, 6GB/128GB and 8GB/256GB for Rs 10,499, Rs 11,499 and Rs 13,999 respectively. General availability is pegged for December 26 (from 12 noon). Poco is offering Rs 1,000 cashback on purchases made through ICICI Debit, Credit cards and EMI transactions or “an equivalent product exchange offer.” The phone will exclusively be available on Flipkart.
You get a 3.5mm audio jack, dedicated storage expansion slot, and a choice of two colours— Orion Blue and Galactic Black — with the Poco M6 5G.
The launch of the Poco M6 5G is following hot on the heels of Poco C65 India launch. The C65 in fact is a rebranded Redmi 13C. Just like it is with the M6, the C65 also costs Rs 500 less than the Redmi phone it is based on.
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